On Thu, 18 May 2000, M. Simms wrote:

> Does anyone know if IBM intends to support Linux with their latest and
> greatest edition ?
> It's been quite some time since 3.02 has arrive for Windows/NT........
> If not, we must move to Apache Jakarta which is showing promise.

Um, WebSphere and Jakarta are very different products, with different
goals. WebSphere is an application server. Tomcat is a JSP and servlet
container. Websphere HAS a JSP and servlet container, and represents a
superset of what Tomcat is.

If all you're doing is running simple servlets or JSP pages, and you don't
mind putting up with a development product (i.e., a product in which speed
and reliability are advantages and not primary goals), Tomcat will
probably be fine.

If you actually plan on using Java on the server side, and are looking at
J2EE's entire suite (i.e., EJB, etc), you'll want to stay with WebSphere,
or at least consider another application server. <plug type="shameless>I
use Orion, which is pure Java - which means it runs on any OS, and I run
it currently on NT, Linux, and Windows98. It's incredibly fast, and is far
more J2EE-compliant than the other app servers I've looked at. See the
benchmarks at http://www.orionserver.com/ for more.</plug>

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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