Robert Nicholson wrote:
> If I'm running an application server together with a database engine and
> will make use of a java compiler. What is the suggested amount of RAM needed
> for development?

Ummm...  As much as you can afford?

While some would argue that this post is rather off-topic, I will
concede that there is a small amount of JSP relevance here, as far as
what you need for a machine for development.

That said, this request is missing some *serious* information, like:

- what operating system do you plan to use?  Most OS' should be pretty
happy if you give them at least 64Mb.  I'm sure you would need to double
that for Win2K.

- what app server do you plan to use?  The vendors will be happy to
provide you with minimum or recommended system specs...

- what database engine do you plan to use?  Oracle is an incredible pig,
esp. Oracle 8i.  It needs at least 256Mb of its own to function
happily.  Sybase ASE 11.9 would be pretty happy with 64Mb for
development.  Not sure about ASE 12.

- Do you plan to use any GUI tools for Java development or just text
editors and javac?  GUI tools require considerable resources, esp. those
that are written in Java.

- What are the memory requirements for your application?  Are you
planning to cache lots of session or result set information in RAM?  If
so, you will need to use some profiling tools to plan how much memory
your JVM will need at runtime.  Plan on at least 64Mb per JVM.

I hope this gives you some starting points to consider...

                        -=- D. J.

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