Yeast, molds,bacteria, viruses, chemicals and physical materials are constant
contaminants in our foods.  The role played by every food service worker or
preparers can adversely affect the safety and quality of foods we eat
everyday.  Radiation has become a very important tool for protecting our
foods.  It is positively an excellent idea to know more about how to keep our
foods safe for our familieis and friends at home and for our customers at our
restaurants and other food service busineeses.
Hey!  We know that you are always concerned abouyt how safer are the foods
that you, your family and friends eat, like we do.  Food Safety is a serious
heatlth problem/issue for all of us, no matter who we are, where we live and
what we do for a living.  Foodborne illnesses and outbreaks are out of
control everywhere.  Eating safe and protected foods are our best hope for
prevention.  If you are interested to know more about Food Safety, please
check WWW.SAFE-FOOD.NET   We will be graceful to provide you with safe food
information on our website.  THANK YOU FOR READING THIS MESSAGE FROM

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