I am using the book "Web Development with JavaServer Pages" to develop a tag
library for my company. I've created the TDL file describing the tag, and the
Java tag handler class. I've got a page referencing the TDL, and then the page
uses the tag defined in the TDL. But, I get the error:

  No such tag task the tag library imported with prefix sched

where "task" is my tag name, and "sched" is the prefix.

I've tried all mixes of capitalization, so I don't think it has to do with
that. I am using Tomcat as my web server, running locally on a Win98 machine,
and am running JDK 1.1.8_3.

Has anyone experienced this problem before. If so, any solutions?

I'm including my source below, in case that helps.


-David Castro

JSP file---------
<%@ taglib uri="/scheduling" prefix="sched" %>

<sched:task name="Administrator" action="include"><p>This text is only
displayed if the user is an administrator.</p></sched:task>


web.xml file for this application----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"

  <info>Utility tags for the online help for scheduling.com.</info>

      Conditionalize content based on the tasks that the user performs




import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class TaskTag extends BodyTagSupport {

  private String task = "Scheduler";
  private String action = "include";

  public void setTask(String task) {
    this.task = task;

  public String getTask() {
    return task;

  public void setAction(String action) {
    this.action = action;

  public String getAction() {
    return action;

  public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
    BodyContent body = getBodyContent();
    String tagBody = body.getString();
    try {
//      HttpServletResponse response =

      //if the task attribute matches the tasks the user specified when logging
in then display the body of the tag
      if (task.equalsIgnoreCase("Administrator")) {
        if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("include")) {
          //if tag requests an include for administrators...
(((Boolean)pageContext.getAttribute("Administrator")).booleanValue()) {
            //...and the user is an administrator, leave the body as is
          } else {
            tagBody = " "; //...and the user isn't an administrator, clear the
body content
        } else {
          //if tag requests an exclude for administrators...
(((Boolean)pageContext.getAttribute("Administrator")).booleanValue()) {
            tagBody = " "; //...and the user is an administrator, then clear
the content
          } else {
            //...and the user is not an administrator, the leave the body as is

      if (task.equalsIgnoreCase("Scheduler")) {
        if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("include")) {
          //if tag requests an include for schedulers...
          if (((Boolean)pageContext.getAttribute("Scheduler")).booleanValue())
            //...and the user is a scheduler, leave the body as is
          } else {
            tagBody = " "; //...and the user is not a scheduler, clear the
        } else {
          //if tag requests an exclude for schedulers...
          if (((Boolean)pageContext.getAttribute("Scheduler")).booleanValue())
            tagBody = " "; //...and the user is a scheduler, clear then content
          } else {
            //...and the user isn't a scheduler, leave the body as is

      if (task.equalsIgnoreCase("Registrar")) {
        if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("include")) {
          //if tag requests an include for registrars...
          if (((Boolean)pageContext.getAttribute("Registrar")).booleanValue())
            //and the user is a registrar, leave the body as is
          } else {
            tagBody = " "; //...and the user is not a registrar, clear the
        } else {
          //if the tag requests an exclude for registrars...
          if (((Boolean)pageContext.getAttribute("Registrar")).booleanValue())
            tagBody = " "; //...and the user is a registrar, clear the content
          } else {
            //...and the user is not a registrar, leave the body as is


    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new JspTagException("I/O exception " + e.getMessage());
    return SKIP_BODY;

  public void release() {
    action = "include";
    task = "Scheduler";


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