you can also take a look at BeanMaker from IBM's alphaworks.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Nicolson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:08 AM
> Subject:      Re: XML mapping to objects - Model 2 architecture for config
> file.
> hi Kevin
>         Pending the release of the Java XML Binding
>         implementation you could use DXML from ObjectSpace
>         http://www.objectspace.com/downloads/
> regards
> Jim Nicolson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Duffey
> Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2000 05:48
> Subject: XML mapping to objects - Model 2 architecture for config file.
> This may be a bit inappropriate for this group, but it follows on the
> heels
> of me implementing the Model 2 architecture we all have been discussing so
> much. I have a working Model 2, but, I want to read in my xml config file.
> I
> am using the sun/xml parser because we use it in a couple of places on our
> site. However, my first stab at reading in the XML into a DOM object,
> while
> its being read in, trying to get each element and its value (not
> attribute)
> has proven to be a pain in the butt.
> So, my question is, is there any way I can just create a class and have
> the
> XML parser map the right elements (by name) and place the values after
> those
> tags directly into an instance of an object? It would also need to be able
> to add items to a vector, or table of some sort. For example, my config
> file
> looks like so:
> <config>
>         <action>
>                 <name>Login</name>
>                 <class>com.bm.ui.actions.Login</class>
>                 <result name="Successful" page="/inside/home.jsp" />
>                 <result name="Error" page="/outside/login_error.jsp" />
>         </action>
>         <action>
>                 <name>Enroll</name>
>                 <class>com.bm.ui.actions.Enroll</class>
>                 <result name="Successful" page="/common/login_ok.jsp" />
>                 <result name="BadLogin" page="/common/enroll.jsp" />
>                 <result name="Error" page="/outside/enroll_error.jsp" />
>         </action>
> </config>
> So, if I have class like:
> public class ActionObject
> {
>   private String  actionName = "";
>   private String  actionClass = "";
>   private Hashmap results     = new Hashmap();
>   public ActionObject()
>   {
>   }
>   ... and so on ...
> }
> Is there a way to automatically get the XML document to map the <name>,
> <class> and <result name/page> tags and attributes and their values
> directly
> to an instance of the object..so that I can do something like:
> ... read XML document in...
> ActionObject ao = new ActionObject(XmlDoc);
> while( ao.hasMoreActions() )
> {
>   Object o = ao.nextAction();
>   mytable.add( o );
> }
> In sum, the few lines above would simply use my ContollerServlet
> (ServletContext) hashtable object that stores each action, to cycle
> through
> my own class (ActionObject) which when created was populated automatically
> (perhaps through reflection of xml to the object) with the xml config
> data,
> and now I am just looping through and adding it to the hash table.
> OFcourse..if ao contains the entire config tree..there is no need to do
> another table..this is all hypothetical..for the use to hopefully explain
> what I am trying to do.
> Thanks for anyone that can help.
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