> [is] there... a simple way to include an absolute url
        > (eg. http://www.yahoo.com) in the jsp file?


Not sure what you are asking. Are you asking how to include information from
a document given its absolute url; or are you asking how to create an href
link to an absolute url?

>From your example (yahoo), I assume you are asking how to include an href
link. (The alternative is accomplished through JSP's include tag).

Here are a couple of ways jsp may return an href to a browser:

1.    The easy, static way is just place your html code outside the <% %>
jsp tags, i.e.:

    /* close your scriptlet block */
            <p>Visit Yahoo by clicking here:
            <a href='http://www.yahoo.com'>Visit Yahoo!</a></p>
            <p>Or visit many other fine search engines blablabla... </p>
    /* continue your scriptlet processing...
    *  anything entered outside jsp tags is passed to the browser, without
    *  if it is a valid html code, the browser will process it, creating the
example href link.

2.    A dynamic way may be done as something like this:

    <%   // our scriptlet will process and return our html href tag
            String tmp ;

            // the calling html page passes an option to the jsp as a
            // such as http://mySite.com/myJSP.jsp?ref=yahoo
            String ref   = request.getParameter("ref") ;

            // then test the variable...
            if ref.equals( "yahoo" ) {
                tmp = "<p>Visit Yahoo by clicking here: " +
                           "<a href='http://www.yahoo.com'>Visit
Yahoo!</a></p>" ;
                out.println( tmp ) ;
            else {
                // do something else...

Of course, you also can mix the logic of these options, eliminating, for
example, the need for out.println().

Hopefully this answers your question. Please forgive me if I misunderstood


-----Original Message-----
From: Yunyun Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, May 26, 2000 10:31 AM
Subject: absolute url

>I am wondering if there is a simple way to include an absolute url (eg.
>http://www.yahoo.com)in the jsp file?
>Thanks in advance,

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