Title: RE: URGENT!!!! --- calling a servlet from a jsp page

Hi joy
get a reference to request dispatcher and invoke forward method on rd with request and response object as parameter
somethin like
RequestDispatcher rd= req.getRequestDispatcher(" /servlet/myServlet");
if(rd ! = null)

catch(Exception e)



    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Joysorlyn Dixon [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent:   Tuesday, May 30, 2000 3:48 AM
    Subject:        URGENT!!!! --- calling a servlet from a jsp page

    My apologies for the "newbie" question -- but I'm
    pulling my hair out at this point --

    Please some one tell/show me a snippet of
    code that will call my servlet passing the
    jsp page's request and response objects to the
    servlet-- or passing the request and response
    objects to a class that will call my call my
    servlet through servlet chaining.

    Thank you very much in advance,

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