
AFAIK, you are right. There's not such a thing a a standard stored
procedure language. I wish there were! ;). From my point of view...

.- Faster than direct JDBC access. They execute on the server so if you
have to select lots for records, filter them, select some more... all
these records won't go through the network until you have the final
.- Faster to develop, IMHO, than direct JDBC access. You usually have
IDEs to develop with these languages and the procedures are "compiled"
against the database schema so you get "column name doesn't exist"
errors at compile time. This saves lots of time in the testing phase and
it can be very very helpful during the maintenance phase as changes in
the schema are automatically detected.
.- They go along with your database so you don't get into versioning
problems between your schema and your business logic because they always
"travel" together.

.- You are almost completely tied to a vendor. I think there's a
standard way of calling stored procedures in JDBC (not sure because I
haven't tried with different languages) but if you go from one DB to
another, you would have, at least, to code again all your business logic
with the new language as they are usually DB specific.
.- Don't think they solve all your runtime problems. JDBC access to
stored procedures is not compiled so you can still have runtime problems
like "procedure not found" ...

So it pretty much depends on how tied you are/want to be to a DB vendor.
If you are already tied to one, as we are, then you might want to take
advantage of the goodies they provide you with. If you need to be
completely independent, then you'd better stayed away from them,

Just my 2ec,
Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

Jim Bailey wrote:
> Stored procedures are likely to be faster (I don't know since I've never
> actually used them)since they are native calls instead of SQL. From a
> compatibility point of view the problem is, from what I understand, that
> they are very much tied to a particular database implementation. There isn't
> a standard stored procedure syntax that everyone uses like SQL.
> I'm sorry I can't be more helpful on this but we've kind of reached the
> limit of my knowledge on this topic.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ryoung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 1:12 PM
> Subject: Re: OFFTOPIC "Standard SQL" -- WAS: "RE: jsp and NT"
> <snip>
> Third, don't use stored procedures. Only access the database
> through JDBC
> statements.
> since i've inherited a system where i may only be allowed access
> [SqlServer7] through stored procedures [negotiations still going on with the
> vendor/partner], is this a performance  observation, or an error
> observation??
> thanx,
> robert young

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