Robert Nicholson wrote:

> Any get the forProperty and ifProperty tag examples working
> with Tomcat?
> I'm getting this error when I try the jsp's from the source deployed on
> tomcat 3.1
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Parse Error in the tag library descripto
> ement "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
>         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil.parseXMLDoc(
> this is the contents of my web.xml

What's happening is that Jasper is trying to parse your web.xml file, and is
running into an error.  You have to define all your <servlet> entries before any
<servlet-mapping> entries, as well as follow all the other rules in the DTD.  You
have a servlet mapping out of order.

In Tomcat 3.1, the servlet container did not apply the validating parser when
reading the web.xml file, but it will in 3.2 and later versions.  That's why the
validation error didn't occur until you tried a JSP page with a custom tag library
(which necessitates reading web.xml to find the <taglib> descriptors).

Craig McClanahan

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