Hi All,

As I learned from Model 2 discussion (Craig, Kevin,.....), the action class
should be passed the reference to servlet so that it has access to
and therefore access to the connection pool. The action class can pass
the database connection to the beans for them to access the database.

My question is to where to put the business logic and database
access: In action classes or the beans?

Beans hold the data, are stored in request or session scope so that they
can be accessed from resources like JSPs and servlets. Should they
be also responsible to access the database or call EJBs to get application
and situation specific data therefore making them useful under those
circustances only. If they are used more or less like data structures
with few operations, they are probably more re-useable. So, I tend to
put more code in action classes, like most of the business logic, accessing
resources like databases, EJBs, and so on so forth.

Any comments, suggestions, help is appreciated.

Anurag Gaur

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