Thanks, Devon... informative discussion on possible situations where
Microsoft's asp might be acceptable.

Hopefully any Microsoft IIS lovers will forgive my reference to Cleopatra's
asp. Companies usually spend much effort to avoid such comparisons with
branded names and technologies. MS overlooked the obvious.

It's interesting that dangers of developing in unsuitable environments is
like handling a venomous snake. Considerable time is wasted in avoiding the
probable and mending those resource-bites as they happen...

MS' arguments that ASP may perform well in certain environments (MS NT IIS
with MS SQL 7) seem reminiscent of PC developer's defending dBase...
ultimately, product viability rests in advantages, not in yeah'but

Do you believe that Graham Cruickshanks' list of JSP v. ASP pros and cons is

Can you add to the JSP disadvantages list, or think of any ASP advantages?


-----Original Message-----
From: Devon Manelski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, July 07, 2000 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: FTP From JSP

>Could you outline your concerns regarding ASP and JSP?  I think both
>languages are appropriate given the nature of the existing hardware,
>software and staffing infrastructure.  Your performance requirements and
>complexity of the application also affect the decision.
>Although there are inherent limitations of scripting languages (such as
>ASP), the correct architecture can help to reduce the cost of this
>shortcoming.  The point made regarding the optimized relationship of ASP -
>IIS - COM - SQL Server 7.0 is also significant.  Microsoft has corrected
>their original assumption that ASP can be used to build a complete
>application.  Instead they now propose that your data access and business
>logic are done in compiled languages such as VB, J++ or C++.  The UI logic
>is really what is done in ASP.
>It all depends on the specifics of the application and organization.
>Devon Manelski

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