Hi all,

I went through the JSP resource list but couldn't find anything that related
directly to this topic. What I have is  a servlet that basically stores some
values in a session object and then forwards the control to the JSP page
that displays the values of the session on screen, through the forward
method of the request dispatcher object.

RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

 Lets say that A is the html file that I am forwarding the control to and in
this html file I define the <frameset> tags to that call B.jsp and C.jsp, as
shown below. All files A.html, B.jsp and C.jsp are in the same directory.

<FRAMESET rows="100,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
 <FRAME name="headerFrame" src="./B.jsp" scrolling="NO" noresize>
 <FRAME name="contentFrame" src="./C.jsp">

The browser screens however returns to me a "HTTP 404: file not found error"
for each the frame slots where the file B.jsp and C.jsp should be loaded. Is
there something wrong with my code. Please help.

Henry Hooi

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