Dear All,
        I've asked  a doubt on servlets. But didn't get any reply. Thats's
why i'm sending it again. Can anyone help me in solving this problem?

---------------------- Forwarded by Silja S Nath/IBS on 08/06/2000 11:07 AM

Silja S Nath
08/05/2000 05:05 PM

To:   A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
Subject:    (Document link: Silja S Nath)

Dear All,

I have a scenario where a servlet S1 that creates a page (P1) with an
applet tag,  has to be called from two other html pages P2 & P3  created
from servlets S2 & S3.
S1  is called from S2 to generate P1.
P1 is closed.
If S1 is now called from S3 to generate P1, I find that neither the doPost
() nor the doGet()  of S1 is called.
So I get old values. It is imperative that the doPost or doGet be called
everytime as there is data to be refreshed.

Thanks in advance,

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