
I have a list of items and want to make this list of items into a list of
links that point to a URL who's querystring will contain a reference to the
item that was clicked.  In otherwords, I want the <a>'s HREF attribute to be
different for each item.

I have tried:

1. Building up a link using XML curly brace:
<a href="link.jsp?item={value-of}"><xsl:value-of/></a>
PROBLEM: Apparently MSIE5 doesn't support this.  The curly braces came
through as text rather than being parsed.

2. encapsulating the link in an XML node : <title><a
PROBLEM: Apparently this is not considered to be well-formed.

3. I thought to attempt to contain the ID in the link text, and then use
JavaScript to retrieve that text and then parse out the ID to then send in
the queryString ... but I can not find reference to a node in the object
model that would allow me to retrieve that information.

This seems super basic ... and at the core of usability for XML/XSL in
MSIE5. Can anyone suggest anything that would allow me to accomplish my goal
without reverting to HTML?


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