The Public Draft 1 (PD1) of the JSP 1.2 specification is available now
at the Java Community Process site at:

Sources for the API classes will be made available through the TOMCAT
project at in a few days.  The JSP 1.2 specification
uses the Servlet 2.3 specification, which is available from the same
download site.

Points worth mentioning right away:

 - This is the FIRST PUBLIC DRAFT.
 - The initial public review for this spec is 30 days.
 - We are planning an updated PUBLIC DRAFT sometime after the public
 - We are planning a PROPOSED FINAL DRAFT by end of this year.
 - The FINAL specification will be in second quarter of 2001.

Between PROPOSED FINAL DRAFT and FINAL we will complete the
implementation, the test suites, and do any final debugging of the

We welcome your feedback.  I want to encourage these avenues for

 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to me and then to the expert
group.  We will look to all issues but, due to volume, we cannot
guarantee we will respond to all issues.

 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a discussion mailing list for
advanced issues in the web layer.  I do my best to track this discussion
group and participate in some of the discussions.  This mailing list can
be subscribed as mail drops, digest, or just browsed through the web -
check details at

 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I will try to track this mailing list, as
I usually do.

The JSP expert group has wide industry participation, and we believe PD1
is fairly complete.  There are a few areas where we know fine-tuning is
needed but, for the most part, if you believe there is a big hole in the
spec, we need to know as soon as possible.

Thanks for your help in improving the JSP specification,

   - Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart
  (JSP 1.2 expert group lead & J2EE web layer architect)

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:

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