Many of you have received a message allegedly from me with the subject
"Funny."  This message turned out to be a virus.  I did not send it.  I
opened it, not knowing that it was a virus, and it sent itself to victims in
my contact list and to victims whose email address I never had and then
deleted itself.  If you ever receive a message with the subject "Funny"
DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You should already have antivirus
software on your computer.  If you don't, get it ASAP.  Then scan you hard
drive(s) regularly.  I don't know what effect it has on computers other than
to send itself to members of an MS Outlook address book.  Norton Antivirus
quarantined the virus on my computer and I do not seem to be having any
other problems.  Still, I'm notifying SARC (Symantec Antivirus Research
Center) about it.  If you have a network administrator, notify them

I apologize for any problems this virus has caused you.

Sandra Joseph [SanJo;)]

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