Henning Meinhardt wrote:

> Hi everybody.
> Can a servlet get the path it was loaded from by the servlet container? I
> want to have a property file lying in the same directory as the servlet und
> have the servlet access the file without using a servlet parameter of the
> container pointing to the directory where the file lies.

For this purpose, your best approach would be to use
ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() to do this -- it will work even if the class was
loaded from a JAR file.  See the JDK JavaDocs for more information on this call.

> Thanks in advance.
> Henning Meinhardt

Craig McClanahan

See you at ApacheCon Europe <http://www.apachecon.com>!
Session VS01 (23-Oct 13h00-17h00):  Sun Technical Briefing
Session T06  (24-Oct 14h00-15h00):  Migrating Apache JServ
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