I have been debating the best way to authenticate users on our web app. The
app is a Model 2 style servlet/jsp app with EJBs on the backend (AKA Java

Our site has material that is graded for different levels of access. Our
security needs are as follows.

public access (Anonymous)
Authenticated Access A
Authenticated Access B
Authenticated Access C
Authenticated Access D
Authenticated Access E

Members of group B can see any public info and any info graded as A or B
Members of group C can see public, A, B, or C info
and so on...

Think of the info as being classified (though it is not) as public,
confidential, secret, top-secret, compartmented, etc.

What is the best way to authenticate our web users?

RDMBS (Oracle or SQL Anywhere)

We would like the solution to be a single-sign-on solution and I have access
to a copy of Netscape's Directory (LDAP) server (version 4.1)

We have not yet chosen an EJB/Servlet/JSP container.

Dave Bolt
Bolt's Law of Bandwidth - There is always plenty of network bandwidth, just
none for you.

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