we too r in process of doing this and we have thought
to use java bean for connection.
we will be passing query from the jsp page to this
generalized bean which will take care of the
connection and will return the results according to
the query fired .
we have thought to have one 2 dimensional method in
the bean that will return the results to the user.
but we have not implemented it and we r in process of
doing it if u think that this may work then plz reply

--- Pau García <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>     We are also developing a JSP+JDBC based Web and
> we have a question: Where is
> better to open the connection to the DB through the
> JDBC driver?
>     - JSP page (one connection for the entire
> session)
>    - Java Bean (one connection for each query, isn't
> it?)
> Thanks in advance.
> Pau.
> Ryan Richards wrote:
> > Well I appreciate the replies tp my earlier post
> but it
> > looks like my design is going to change. Here is
> the history
> > so you will understand my question:
> >
> > Goal: A web system to retireve/store object in a
> database.
> >
> > First Solution: I created static HTML pages and
> passed
> > parameters to a dozen servlets (not the most
> efficient way)
> > for each html form to put/get data in/out of db.
> >
> > Second Solution: JSP ONLY solution. Converted all
> servlets
> > into JSP's and scrapped the static html pages. I
> though this
> > was anifty solution. I placed the
> jdbc,driver,connect etc.
> > code in each JSP. After collaborating with my
> colleagues I
> > learned this was also not a good idea and that I
> should
> > instead use JavaBeans and some design pattern like
> the
> > Factory pattern to totally seperate the html and
> java code.
> >
> > This will be my third re-write. Thank God I am
> only doing
> > this for fun. I would greatly appreciate any
> insight from
> > anyoine who has implemented a solution utilizing
> JSP's and
> > JavaBeans along with JDBC to insert/retrieve/query
> a
> > database (Oracle ionthis example).
> >
> > also: Not sure about using the relational-mapping
> solutions
> > at this point.
> >
> > Ryan
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