I am thinking if it is possible to pass object via hyperlink??

>From: Andy Purshottam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "'hua ge '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        "'[EMAIL PROTECTED] '"
>Subject: RE: help:session variable could not retain old data if back butto
>n clicked
>Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 17:00:47 -0800
>  you need to use an http session attribute, which under the covers
>is stored in a somewhere in applciation server, and indexed by a key
>provided in a cookie or a mangked URL. Look at Core Servlets and Java
>Pages, by Marty Hall, chapters 8 and 9.
>Cheers, Andy
>Handling Cookies 178
>8.1 Benefits of Cookies 179
>Identifying a User During an E-commerce Session 180
>Avoiding Username and Password 180
>Customizing a Site 180
>Focusing Advertising 181
>8.2 Some Problems with Cookies 181
>8.3 The Servlet Cookie API 183
>Creating Cookies 183
>Cookie Attributes 183
>Placing Cookies in the Response Headers 186
>Reading Cookies from the Client 186
>8.4 Examples of Setting and Reading Cookies 186
>8.5 Basic Cookie Utilities 190
>Finding Cookies with Specified Names 190
>Creating Long-Lived Cookies 191
>8.6 A Customized Search Engine Interface 191
>Session Tracking 198
>9.1 The Need for Session Tracking 199
>Cookies 200
>URL-Rewriting 200
>Hidden Form Fields 201
>Session Tracking in Servlets 201
>9.2 The Session Tracking API 201
>Looking Up the HttpSession Object Associated with the Current Request 202
>Looking Up Information Associated with a Session 202
>Associating Information with a Session 205
>Terminating Sessions 206
>Encoding URLs Sent to the Client 206
>9.3 A Servlet Showing Per-Client Access Counts 207
>9.4 An On-Line Store Using a Shopping Cart and Session Tracking 209
>Building the Front End 210
>Handling the Orders 215
>Behind the Scenes: Implementing the Shopping Cart and
>Catalog Items 220
>-----Original Message-----
>From: hua ge
>Sent: 11/2/00 2:45 PM
>Subject: help:session variable could not retain old data if back button
>can someone give me some help, I stucked here almost 2 days...
>this is what I did:
>1. searchForm.jsp will submit to a servlet
>2. the servlet store the search results as an object  by coding:
>         request.setAttribute(object name, value);
>3.  then the servlet will forward to a jsp page to display the data
>         RequestDispatcher rd =
>         rd.forward(request,response);
>4. results.jsp will retrive data out by coding:
>        request.getAttribute(object name, value);
>5. results.jsp will loop through and display all records
>    lines, each line contains couple key attributes such
>    as name, address, phone... the name field will be a
>    hyperlink to details.jsp page to show all the   attributes of this
>6.  results.jsp will store the retrived object in a session variable so
>the name field link bring to the detail page,the same object can be
>out there.
>7. the results.jsp will dynamic showing [previous] [next]
>    link if the total record count of the results more  than 10.
>8. on the bottom of results.jsp will has a hyperlink "begin a new
>bring user back to the
>the above steps are all works fine if I do one search after another.
>1. if I click the browser back button to
>previous result page, it looks like the previous results still showing
>there, but since the session variable already overwriten by the lastest
>search results, so the details page will has wrong data.
>2. if I go back through browser to previous results page and that page
>[previous] [next] link, if I click either [previous] or [next] link,
>the results will mess up, it will based on the latest results count to
>recalculate the page number instead of the previous results count.
>can some one point out how I can retain the old data stroed in session
>variable if the browser back button clicked??
>appreciate your help.
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>Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
>  http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/faq.html
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