Hey Folks,

I'm a bit of a newbie to JRun, et al. I'm running a solaris box with Apache,
JRun and the Mercado search software. Mercado has it's own specific JDBC
driver, and the documentation marks it as "com.mercadosw.intuifind.jdbc.*"
All of that information is inside a file names JDBCDriver.zip within the
Mercado directories. I have appended the information to the jsm.properties
file, within the java.classpath statement, and restarted JRun. Still, when I
try to load the JSP, and import the package I get the error: "Package
com.mercado.intuifind.jdbc not found"

Any tips/ideas? If I haven't included enough information please let me know.


Jody F. Kerr
Internet Feasibility Expert

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