[EMAIL PROTECTED] has been sending back such messages for the last
three months.

i hesitate to send this, because i know i will get a "message
undeliverable" reply, telling me that jsoenen76's mailbox is full....

"Robuschi (Delfi)" wrote:
> Hello everybody, I'm Roberto from Italy.
> As anybody that writes a message to this mailing list knows, every message
> sent is followed by some reply messages.
> Often, one of these messages is an auto-reply that says that someone is on
> holiday. So I'm asking to these people and to anyone in the future, to
> UNSUBSCRIBE from the mailing list before going on holiday: please, don't
> leave an auto-answer that sends a message to anyone that posts once to the
> ML.
> And about the 3 or 4 messages of address not found / email full, I'm working
> to eliminate these.
> Thanks to everybody for the attention.
> Robuschi Roberto -------------------- Delfi srl
> P.za Ravenet 1/b - 43100 PARMA
> Tel. 0521/932474 Fax 0521/989045
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- http://www.delfi.it
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