
I've had a tough problem I haven't been able to get any help with.

I've posted here, in the Java Developer JSP forum, usenet, & Experts

Is there anywhere else that might be worth a try?  Anyone at SUN, I've
had the problem with tomcat as well as other jsp engines.  If its not a
bug in the api it might be something that might want to be mentioned in
the docs.

Any ideas would be appreciated



I have a JSP that looks like it isn't sending any data to the browser
until all of the data is collected.

I have my code set up to output pieces of the data as I retrieve it.

I have set the buffer attribute in the page directive to "none". This
had no effect and it caused "cannot flush buffer that has already been
flushed" errors.

I have also used "out.flush()".....no effect.

I have also used "out.getRemaining()" to measure the buffer before and
after each "out.println()" call. The numbers do look like content is
being flushed from the buffer......but still data is not going back
piecemeal to the browser the way I want it.

I have tried this JSP in iPlanet on NT4 and Tomcat 3.2 on a Solaris

The code in question involves making 3-5 database calls while scrolling

through a ResultSet from another database call. As each of these 3-5
calls comes back they are wrapped up in html strings and "sent to to
the browser" via out.println().

I tried tucking this loop in a thread, but I couldn't get it to work.

Any ideas on what is going on? Any suggestions?

                              Thanks in advance



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