I'm not sure which one of these you're looking for, but:

getServletConfig().getInitParameter("myParameter") will get you the value of
an initialization parameter as specified in your web.xml configuration file
(by using <init-param>).

getServletContext().getAttribute("myAttribute") will retrieve an attribute
from what JSP calls the "application" context.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neal Cabage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Servlets -> access application obj

> This is driving me NUTS!!!!
> Could someone please explain to me how I must go about accessing the
> application object in order to get an application variable in my servlet.
> In a JSP I just write:
> application.getInitParameter("gUri")
> ....so far I have gotten the following frigured out (I think) ... but
> no dice!
> HELP!!!!!
> Thx.
> Neal
> _________
> import java.io.*;
> import java.text.*;
> import javax.servlet.*;
> import javax.servlet.http.*;
> import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
> public class myServlet extends HttpServlet {
>      public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
> response) throws IOException, ServletException {
>     //Define initial objects
>     PrintWriter out          = response.getWriter();
>     JspFactory  factory      = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
>     PageContext pageContext  =
> factory.getPageContext(this,request,response,null,
> false,JspWriter.DEFAULT_BUFFER,true);
>     //Get JSP implicits, application and session.
>     ServletContext application = pageContext.getServletContext();
>     HttpSession session          = pageContext.getSession();
>   //Output  - test by writing an application variable.
>    response.setContentType("text/html");
>    out.println(application.getInitParameter("gUri"));
>      }
> }
> -----Original Message-----
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Craig R. McClanahan
> Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 9:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [JSP-INTEREST] Servlets v. JSP
> "Duffey, Kevin" wrote:
> > Despite the fact that the spec says JSP must extend JSPServlet and all
> that,
> > I am wondering why its not allowed for an app server to do its own thing
> > with JSP pages.
> They are.
> The spec says that an app server can generate a class that extends
> base
> class it wants to, as long as the resulting servlet implements the
> javax.servlet.jsp.JspPage *interface* (not extends the JSPServlet *base
> class*).
> Most JSP page compilers provide a base class that is unique to that
> container,
> optimized to make your compiled classes as small as possible (shared code
> appears
> once in the superclass) and as fast as possible (optimized for the
> organization of that container).
> > For example, I could map *.jsp to my own servlet, which
> > would then parse the JSP page, and convert it directly to a servlet..one
> > that does not extend JSPServlet or whatever it is. Why is it forced to
> > extend JSPServlet?
> As above, it is not forced.  In fact, you as a page developer have the
> to
> tell the JSP compiler to use your own base class, instead of its own, if
> want
> to:
>     <%@ page ... extends="com.mycompany.MyJspBaseClass" ... %>
> However, you are explicitly warned that this is likely to make performance
> *worse*,
> because the page compiler has to give up all the optimizations built in to
> the base
> class it knows about, and write extra code in the generated servlet to
> sure
> your page obeys all of the rules of the spec.
> > Seems to me to make it as fast as possible, it would be
> > better to just directly convert the JSP page into a single servlet that
> > extends nothing (if possible), and make it as lean and fast as possible.
> > don't know if there would be significant improvement in overall site
> > because of this.
> >
> By this argument, we should never ever use subclasses, right? :-).  I
> we all
> need to go back to C programming -- this "object oriented" stuff wasn't
> it was
> cracked up to be :-) :-).
> Seriously, whether you use subclasses or not versus implementing the same
> code in
> every servlet has essentially no impact on performance (other than the
> that it
> costs you more memory because of the code duplication).  And, as we all
> know, if
> the code is only in one place (the superclass), it only needs to be
> once
> when bugs are fixed or new features are added.
> The JSP spec gives container vendors quite a lot of latitude to
> differentiate
> themselves on the generated code quality (and thererfore performance) of
> their JSP
> implementations -- with you having a guarantee that your page will
> identically on any of them, as long as *you* obey all the spec rules.
> is the
> same kind of freedom you have to choose which JVM to run on.  For example,
> try the
> same application on a JDK 1.1 JVM with the JIT turned off, versus a 1.3
> with
> HotSpot -- for many interesting classes of applications (including pretty
> much all
> web apps that are not I/O bound), the performance difference is dramatic.
> And that
> difference is totally due to changes in the underlying container -- not in
> your
> code.
> Craig McClanahan
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> For digest: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "set JSP-INTEREST
> Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
>  http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/faq.html
>  http://www.esperanto.org.nz/jsp/jspfaq.html
>  http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/faqpage.jsp?name=JSP
>  http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/faqpage.jsp?name=Servlets
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> For digest: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "set JSP-INTEREST
> Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
>  http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/faq.html
>  http://www.esperanto.org.nz/jsp/jspfaq.html
>  http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/faqpage.jsp?name=JSP
>  http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/faqpage.jsp?name=Servlets

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