This concerns the way JRun 2.3.3 and Apache 1.3.12 interact.

To those who are not very familiar with apache rewriting rule, here are
some explainations
The directive
RewriteRule ^/torewrite\.html$ rewritted.html [R]
causes a client's request for http://mysite/torewrite.html to be redirected
to http://mysite/rewritted.html, and the location bar of the browser shows
up the new url http://mysite/rewritted.html

On the other hand, the directive
RewriteRule ^/torewrite\.html$ rewritted.html
(without [R] causes a client's request for http://mysite/torewrite.html to
be redirected to http://mysite/rewritted.html, but the location bar of the
browser still shows the old url http://mysite/torewrite.html

As far as I  understood the documentation, the first case is called
external rewritting, and is equivalent to another request to the rewritted url.

Sorry to have been that long, but here is my problem.

One of the use of the rewritting rules is to emulate static documents when
the real document is dynamic. This works well with cgi, for example.
The fact is that spiders are not likely to reference dynamic sites, and do
much better with static sites. So I would like to rewrite some generated
pages to static names. ie
RewriteRule ^/index\..html$ /aoServlet.jrun?param1=value1

This works real fine with the [R] flag (first case above), but not at all
without (second case). And so the problem is not solved, because what I
wanted was to have index.html written on the client browser when the page
that was loaded was generated by aoServlet.

To my understanding, this is because the mapping to /servlet/ and to .jrun
are done in jrun, and not in apache, but this is perhaps not that.

Has anyone encountered and solved this problem ?
If someyone out there that has a better understanding of how the jrun
connector works could give me any clue of what's happening, I might find a
solution by mylself

Best regards

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