I have been doing JSP's for some time now but have only recently started
with CORBA. I have a JSP that makes a call to bean, that in turn uses the
IOR file to get a handle. When I try this, inside of a ctach block I receive
the following error:

can't instantiate default ORB implementation IE.Iona.OrbixWeb.CORBA.ORB
org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate default ORB implementation
IE.Iona.OrbixWeb.CORBA.ORB minor code: 0 completed: No

On the stack trace - the problem is lsited where a new ORB is trying for the

Now this may be a JSP problem, but I'm skeptical. If anyone has any ideas on
a correction or fix,or you have seen this problem before, please let a
beginner know. Oh, I'm using JRUN 2.3.3 build 157 on IIS4 NT box.

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