
would anyone be interested to contribute to a tutorial ?
the tutorial is named 'JSP, Servlet and so on ...';

- About the tutorial:
we made it in June 2000, this was a first draft;
now we plan a second draft before summer;
the current version is available here:

- About possible contributions:
we would appreciate every kind of contribution, particularly:
 - ideas for the second draft;
 - commented pieces of codes;
 - live examples (we can make them run);

- How to contribute:
a) you can send me Email to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
b) you can visit us in the CAFV and talk about it;

Note - interested people will have an $office in the CAFV
to work in it;

best regards :)

Cybrarian Rök - CAFV administrator
Auteurs & Associés SARL - BP106
74502 Evian cedex - F
PERSO: http://auteurs-associes.com:7778/~Cybrarian
HOME : http://auteurs-associes.com
try be_cool;
except (E_ANY) kill_them();

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