Hi folks,
I am facing a  wierd problem and is kinda urgent..
I have my JSP file calling a method on a bean which executes a whole set of
queries on the backend..Lets say,my bean does 20 different "select * ...."
all from 20 different tables ..Which means there are 20 different select
statements executed in the method and if successfully executed all of them,
returns true.The problem is this behaves very differently each time..At
times all the 20 are executed and true is returned but otherwise a few
statements are executed and then returns false and i get the following error
returned to my JSP
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.prepare_for_new_get(Compiled Code)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getLongValue(Compiled Code)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getIntValue(Compiled Code)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.getInt(Compiled Code)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet.getInt(Compiled Code)

I am using classes12.zip JDBC thin driver for oracle.
Yeah another thing to mention is that there are 2 JSP files being loaded and
both of them hit the database and perform selects.And on the console I see
10 of the 20 select statements(as an eg) of the first JSP file getting
executed and then the select statements of the second JSP file gets
executed..So the 2nd JSP file loads perfectly fine but the first one
bombs.Yes it is the same bean and the same method thats called by both the
JSP files to execute the select statements.But what i fail to understand is
how does my method call from the first JSP page terminate while in execution
and then give control to the 2nd JSP page and execute that to completion
..If i then refresh only my failed first JSP page then bingo, it works too.I
do not use any threads..And like i mentioned earlier i might get this error
probably 6 out of 10 tries.
Any help on this front wud be greatly appreciated..I did check the net too
for information on this but no luck..
Awaiting ur replies,

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