What class are you using to read the Properties file? java.util.Properties will only
read the contents of the file when you call the load() method. You can check
yourself to see if the file has been modified. The properties object does not
continually monitor the conf file for you - that is your job.

Meraj Beg wrote:

> Does any body know why my java application is not picking up the changed
> SMTPHOST IP address from etc\hosts file.
> I have a java application which sends the email alerts out on daily basis. It is
> using Javamail APIs. All the configuration info (e.g. SMTP server name, FROM
> etc) is stored in seperate emailConf.properties file.
> Everything is working fine.
> Now I want to point my SMTP server variable to someother IP address. So I
> changed it  in etc\hosts file as follows:
> #  swinet01.dtcc.com mailhost   ##This I was using before
>   mailhost                 ## This is new configuration
> My emaiConf.properties file looks like:
> smtpHost mailhost
> When I am running my java email application, it is complaining about SMTP
> server. Exact error msg is as follows:
> javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;
>   nested exception is:
>         javax.mail.SendFailedException: 551 swinet01.dtcc.com is not a
> recognized domain name.
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Erik I Morton
Software Developer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065

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