I don't know if it's a GOOD example, but here's some code from a class that
I'm working on to do this.  See below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonas Devries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 3:00 AM


I'm trying to make a JSP file that sends a SQL instruction to a bean!  In
that bean I want to acces the DB!  The bean has to send back a result (ea. a
select instruction)!  What is the best way to do this?  Someone may have a
good example?


I'm using this class in another bean, but it was designed with a no-argument
constructor so it can be used as a bean also.  You would want to change the
"query()" method to a getATTRIB method for even more bean-like behavior:

  Db dbHandle = new Db();
  ResultSet rs = dbHandle.query("SELECT * from MYTABLE WHERE This =

Note -- this code should be surrounded with the usual try/catch for

And here's the class Db
//  Db Class
// Written JE VanOver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, UI Dev
// Copyright 2001

package util;

import java.util.Properties;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.DriverManager;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

/** General purpose class to shorten and simplify database access for simple
JSP projects
public class Db {

/** dbname@sqlservername
String dsn;

/** weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver;
String dbDriverName;

/** jdbc:weblogic:mssqlserver4
String dbServer;

/** server+dsn
String dbConnectionURL ;

/** Database username.  Read-only access OK.
String username;

/** Database password
String password;

/** Nickname for a data source.  This is used to identify fields in
".properties" file related to a particular datasource.
String nickname = null;

 /** All String fields initialized to null.
  * When user calls setNickname(), the rest of the fields are read from the
.properties file.
  * @exception java.lang.Exception
 public Db() throws java.lang.Exception {

 public String toString() {
         StringBuffer tmpStr = new StringBuffer();
         tmpStr.append("Nickname: "+nickname+", ");
         tmpStr.append("username: "+username+", ");
         tmpStr.append("password: "+password+", ");
         tmpStr.append("dsn: "+dsn+", ");
         tmpStr.append("dbDriverName: "+dbDriverName+", ");
         tmpStr.append("dbServer: "+dbServer+", ");
         tmpStr.append("dbConnectionURL: "+dbConnectionURL+"\n");
        return tmpStr.toString();

 /** If nickname is null, initialize all member variables to null.
  * If nickname is NOT null, read all fields related to this nickname from
properties file
  * @exception java.lang.Exception
 public void init() throws java.lang.Exception {

                if (nickname != null) {
                        Properties props = readProperties();
                        if (props == null) {
                                System.out.println("Error reading properties

                        dsn = props.getProperty("dsn"+nickname);
                        username = props.getProperty("username"+nickname);
                        password = props.getProperty("password"+nickname);
                        dbDriverName =
                        dbServer = props.getProperty("dbServer"+nickname);
                        dbConnectionURL = dbServer+dsn;
                else { // nickname == null
                        dsn = null;
                        username = null;
                        password = null;
                        dbDriverName = null;
                        dbServer = null;


 /** Set nickname to given string, and then call init() to read all fields
related to this nickname from properties file
  * @param tNickname A short text description of a database.  This must
  *     as part of the field names in the db.properties file for all data
  *      to this database.
  * @exception java.lang.Exception
 public void setDbNickname(String tNickname) throws java.lang.Exception  {
        nickname = tNickname;

/** If all fields required to connect to a database are in place, then it
 * @return Returns true if all fields needed to connect to a database are
 *     available (fields are not null)
public boolean isReady() {
                return (dsn != null
                                && username != null && password != null
                                && dbDriverName != null && dbServer != null
                                ) ;

public ResultSet query(StringBuffer sqlStatement)  throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Begin Db.query() with StringBuffer");
        return query(sqlStatement.toString());

/** Send a SQL Query to a database and return a ResultSet.  All database
connection fields must be in place before this can be called
 * @param sqlStatement String containing a SQL SELECT statement expected to
 *     return one or more results.
 * @return Returns null if database connection can't be made or if SQL
 *     statement provoked an error.
public ResultSet query(String sqlStatement) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Begin Db.query() with String");
        if (! isReady()) {
                throw new Exception("Database property values not available:
                // \n"+this.toString());

        System.out.println("In Db-executeSQLcheck: DSN = \""+dsn+"\",
Username = \""+username+"\"");

        Statement dbStatement = null;
        Connection dbConnection = null;
        ResultSet dbResultSet = null;

        System.out.println("sqlStatement = \""+sqlStatement+"\"");
        try {
                dbConnection = connect();
                if (dbConnection == null) {
                        System.out.println("DB Connection not established to
                        return null;
                System.out.println("DB Connection established to "+dsn);
                dbStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
                // System.out.println("Statement Created in "+dsn);
    dbResultSet = dbStatement.executeQuery(sqlStatement);
                // System.out.println("Statement Executed in "+dsn);
                return dbResultSet;

        } //  end try

        catch (SQLException sqlex) {
                System.out.println("SQL exception in
                return null;
        catch (Throwable e){
                System.out.println("Catch throwable in createResultSet");
                return null;
        } // end catch

/** Perform database connection with current attributes and return
Connection object.
 * @return return a jdbc connection or null
private Connection connect() {
        System.out.println("RealTotalsBean - CONNECT DSN =
\""+dbConnectionURL+"\", username = \""+username+"\"");
        try {
        catch (Exception e){
                System.out.println("ERROR -- Exception in main try block of
                return null;
     } // end catch

/** Open db.properties file.  This file must be in the top directory of the
 * For example, ...\WebApps\myApp\db.properties
 * @return props object with all data read from db.properties
private Properties readProperties() {
        System.out.println("START METHOD readProperties -- Db");
        Properties props = new Properties();
        try {
                InputStream in =
        catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("Cannot open db.properties file");
                System.out.println("END METHOD readProperties -- Db");
                return null;
        // System.out.println("END METHOD readProperties -- Db");
        return props;

} /* end Db */

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