    Find the copy of your working jsp and .java files.
Hope this helps you :-).

------------------------------------JSP File------------------------------

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<%@ page import="javax.naming.*,*,java.util.*" %>

<%@ page import=" wpv3beta5 " %>


String cnvals = "" , context = "" , i = "", href = "",
namestring = "namestring" , pstring = "", scope = "", actualfilter = "" ,
filter =
"(|(CN=*)(OU=*))", max = "200", children = "N" ;


<jsp:useBean id="mybean" scope="page" class="wpv3beta5" />
<jsp:setProperty name="mybean" property="*" />

   <title>U.S. Federal White Pages Directory</title>
<BODY bgcolor="#EEEEFF" text="#003366" link="#336699" vlink="#996666"

<FORM action="wpv3beta1.jsp" method="POST">
Find <input type="text" size= 30 name="cnvals" value="<%= cnvals %>">
<input type=hidden name="scope" size=30 value="SUBTREE_SCOPE"  >
<input type=hidden size= 35 name="context" value="<%= context %>">
<input type="Submit" name="" value="Search">
<FONT SIZE=-1><EM>example: " beth ander " will find "Elizabeth
Anderson", "Beth Sanderson" and "Elizabeth VanderPutten" </EM></FONT>

<CAPTION>List of Directory Entries in this Context</CAPTION>
<TR><TH>&nbsp;</TH><TH>Name--Click to drill
down</TH><TH>Title</TH><TH>Phone</TH><TH>E-Mail / Web</TH></TR>
<TR><TD><%= i %></TD><TD><A HREF="<%= href %>"><%= namestring
<TD><%= pstring %></TD>
<TD><%= pstring %></TD>
<TD><%= pstring %></TD></TR>
<FONT SIZE=-1>This search used: scope= <%= scope %>, filter=<%=
actualfilter %>, directory context=" <%= context %>".<BR></FONT>

<form action="wpv3beta1.jsp" method="POST">
<caption><h3>Basic Search</h3></caption>
<TR><TD>Part of directory to search (blank=entire directory)</TD>
<TD><input type="text" size= 35 name="context" value="<%= context
<TR><TD>Names or parts of name to search for:(example: "beth
anders")</TD>   <TD><input type="text" size= 30 name="cnvals" value="<%=
cnvals %>"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER><input type="Submit" name=""
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER><BR><HR><H4>Advanced Search
<TR><TD>Search filter<BR><A
HREF=searchex.jsp>Examples</A></TD><TD><input type="text" name="filter"
size=30 value="<%= filter %>"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Search scope</TD>  <TD><select name="scope" size="2">
 <option value="DEFAULT" selected>Default
 <option value="SUBTREE_SCOPE"  >Entire subtree
 <option value="ONELEVEL_SCOPE" >Single level
<TR><TD>Show number of entries below each item (can be VERY slow!)?</TD>

<input type=radio name=children value=N checked >No<br>
<input type=radio name=children value=Y         >Yes<br>
<TR><TD>Maximum items to be retrieved (there's a max of 1,000 anyhow,
since more than that will blow out your browser.)</TD><TD><input
type="text" name="max" size=4 value="<jsp:getProperty name="mybean"
<%= wpv3beta5.staticstring %><BR>
<jsp:getProperty name="mybean" property="max"/>
<% wpv3beta5 w = new wpv3beta5();   %>
<%= wpv3beta5.staticstring %><BR>
<%= wpv3beta5.lsearch("Shortcut") %>
<%= wpv3beta5.echo("Whazzzzup, Doc??") %><BR>
<%= w.dynamicstring %>

--------------------Your Java Bean Source File-----------------------

import javax.naming.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import* ;
import java.util.Vector;

public class wpv3beta5  {

  public  static  String staticstring = "testing staticstring" ;

  public String dynamicstring = "firstdynamic";

  static  SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();

  static  String[] returnAttrs = {"cn", "mail",

  "telephoneNumber", "title", "labeleduri", "pager", "description",

  "mobile", "facsimiletelephonenumber"};

   static  String[] returnNothing = {};

   private static  String max = "200";

   static  String context = "";

   static  String separator = "";

   static  String filter = "(|(CN=*)(OU=*))";

   static  String cnvals = "";

   static  String scope = "ONELEVEL_SCOPE";

   static  String children = "N";

// Set maximum items returned from a search

   public void setMax(String max) {

     this.max = max ;

     if (max.equals(null)) max = "200";

     if (Integer.valueOf(max).intValue() > 1000) max = "1000";



   public String getMax() { return max; }

// Set search context

   public void setContext(String context) {

     if (context.equals(null)) context = "";

     this.context = context;

     if (! context.equals("")) this.separator = ", ";


  file://set the search filter if it's provided in the request

   public void setFilter(String filter) {

     if (filter != null &&  filter.trim() != "") this.filter = filter;


file://set the simple name search values if provided in the request

   public void setCnvals(String cnvals) {

                if (cnvals != null )

                this.cnvals = cnvals;


file://set scope

   public void setScope(String scope) {

     if (scope != null) this.scope = scope;


file://See if children are wanted

   public void setChildren(String children) {

     if ( ! children.equals(null) && children.equals("Y") )

       children = "Y";


/** constructor */

   public wpv3beta5 () {

     this.dynamicstring = "in constructor dynamicstring";

     this.staticstring = "staticstring changed in constructor";

   } file://end constructor

   public static String echo(String in) {

     return "I heard you say " + in ;


   public static String lsearch(String in) {

     return "OK";


} //  end class

Have a nice day.
With regards,
Sachin S. Khanna
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 6:22 AM
Subject: JSP calls instance method, bombs with odd message

> I'm going a little nuts with an error.  The app is a single JSP, and the
> error occurs when I try to call a Java class file I made.  Using Tomcat
> 3.
> Here's the message:
> Error: 500
>                       Location: /wpv3beta1.jsp
>                              Internal Servlet Error:
>     java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed
> at
>         at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.unknownException(
>         at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.service(
>            at
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>         at
>         at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
>         at
>         at
>                       at
> I'm including the JSP and the Java (which is in
> approot/WEB-INF/classes/) below.
> Basically, what seems to be happening is that any attempt to reference a
> dynamic member of my class gives this "response already committed)
> error.  Makes no sense to me.  However, it does make me realize I don't
> have a good grip on what the rules are about JSP->Bean or JSP->class
> communications.
> Any suggestions????
> Martin
> ===============the JJP===============
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> <%@ page import="javax.naming.*,*,
> java.util.Properties" %>
> <%@ page import="java.util.Hashtable, java.util.Enumeration,*,
> java.util.Vector, wpv3beta5 " %>
> <% String cnvals = "" , context = "" , i = "", href = "",  namestring =
> "namestring" , pstring = "", scope = "", actualfilter = "" , filter =
> "(|(CN=*)(OU=*))", max = "200", children = "N" ; %>
> <jsp:useBean id="mybean" scope="page" class="wpv3beta5" />
> <jsp:setProperty name="mybean" property="*" />
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
>    <title>U.S. Federal White Pages Directory</title>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY bgcolor="#EEEEFF" text="#003366" link="#336699" vlink="#996666"
> alink="#FFCC66">
> <FORM action="/wpv3beta1.jsp" method="POST">
> Find <input type="text" size= 30 name="cnvals" value="<%= cnvals %>">
> <input type=hidden name="scope" size=30 value="SUBTREE_SCOPE"  >
> <input type=hidden size= 35 name="context" value="<%= context %>">
> <input type="Submit" name="" value="Search">
> </form>
> <FONT SIZE=-1><EM>example: " beth ander " will find "Elizabeth
> Anderson", "Beth Sanderson" and "Elizabeth VanderPutten" </EM></FONT>
> <HR>
> <CAPTION>List of Directory Entries in this Context</CAPTION>
> <TR><TH>&nbsp;</TH><TH>Name--Click to drill
> down</TH><TH>Title</TH><TH>Phone</TH><TH>E-Mail / Web</TH></TR>
> <TR><TD><%= i %></TD><TD><A HREF="<%= href %>"><%= namestring
> %></A></TD>
> <TD><%= pstring %></TD>
> <TD><%= pstring %></TD>
> <TD><%= pstring %></TD></TR>
> </TABLE>
> <FONT SIZE=-1>This search used: scope= <%= scope %>, filter=<%=
> actualfilter %>, directory context=" <%= context %>".<BR></FONT>
> <HR><BR>
> <form action="/wpv3beta1.jsp" method="POST">
> <caption><h3>Basic Search</h3></caption>
> <TR><TD>Part of directory to search (blank=entire directory)</TD>
> <TD><input type="text" size= 35 name="context" value="<%= context
> %>"></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD>Names or parts of name to search for:(example: "beth
> anders")</TD>   <TD><input type="text" size= 30 name="cnvals" value="<%=
> cnvals %>"></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER><input type="Submit" name=""
> value="Search"></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER><BR><HR><H4>Advanced Search
> Options</H4></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD>Search filter<BR><A
> HREF=searchex.jsp>Examples</A></TD><TD><input type="text" name="filter"
> size=30 value="<%= filter %>"></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD>Search scope</TD>  <TD><select name="scope" size="2">
>  <option value="DEFAULT" selected>Default
>  <option value="SUBTREE_SCOPE"  >Entire subtree
>  <option value="ONELEVEL_SCOPE" >Single level
>  </select></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD>Show number of entries below each item (can be VERY slow!)?</TD>
> <TD>
> <input type=radio name=children value=N checked >No<br>
> <input type=radio name=children value=Y         >Yes<br>
> </TD></TR>
> <TR><TD>Maximum items to be retrieved (there's a max of 1,000 anyhow,
> since more than that will blow out your browser.)</TD><TD><input
> type="text" name="max" size=4 value="<jsp:getProperty name="mybean"
> property="max"/>"></TD></TR>
> </TABLE>
> </FORM>
> <%= wpv3beta5.staticstring %><BR>
> <jsp:getProperty name="mybean" property="max"/>
> <% wpv3beta5 w = new wpv3beta5();   %>
> <%= wpv3beta5.staticstring %><BR>
> <%= wpv3beta5.lsearch("Shortcut") %>
> <%= wpv3beta5.echo("Whazzzzup, Doc??") %><BR>
> <%= w.dynamicstring %>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> ================the java class===========
> /**
>  *--------------------------------------------------
>  * copyright (c) 2001 SystemSmith
>  *--------------------------------------------------
>  * $ $
>  * $Revision: 0.1 $
>  * $Date: 2001/06/16 $
>  * $Author: mfs $
>  * $ $
>  *--------------------------------------------------
>  */
> import javax.naming.*;
> import*;
> import java.util.Properties;
> import java.util.Hashtable;
> import java.util.Enumeration;
> import* ;
> import java.util.Vector;
> public class wpv3beta5  {
>         public  static  String staticstring = "testing staticstring" ;
>                         String dynamicstring = "firstdynamic";
>                 static  SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();
>                 static  String[] returnAttrs = {"cn", "mail",
> "telephoneNumber", "title", "labeleduri", "pager", "description",
> "mobile", "facsimiletelephonenumber"};
>                 static  String[] returnNothing = {};
>         private static  String max = "200";
>                 static  String context = "";
>                 static  String separator = "";
>                 static  String filter = "(|(CN=*)(OU=*))";
>                 static  String cnvals = "";
>                 static  String scope = "ONELEVEL_SCOPE";
>                 static  String children = "N";
> // Set maximum items returned from a search
> public void setMax(String max) {
>         this.max = max ;
>         if (max.equals(null)) max = "200";
>         if (Integer.valueOf(max).intValue() > 1000) max = "1000";
>         ctls.setCountLimit(Integer.valueOf(max).longValue());
>         }
> public String getMax() { return max; }
> // Set search context
> public void setContext(String context) {
>         if (context.equals(null)) context = "";
>         this.context = context;
>         if (! context.equals("")) this.separator = ", ";
>         }
> file://set the search filter if it's provided in the request
> public void setFilter(String filter) {
>                 if (filter != null &&  filter.trim() != "") this.filter
> = filter;
>                 }
> file://set the simple name search values if provided in the request
> public void setCnvals(String cnvals) {
>                 if (cnvals != null )
>                 this.cnvals = cnvals;
>                 }
> file://set scope
> public void setScope(String scope) {
>               if (scope != null) this.scope = scope;
>                 }
> file://See if children are wanted
> public void setChildren(String children) {
>                 if ( ! children.equals(null) && children.equals("Y") )
>                 children = "Y";
>                 }
> /** constructor */
> public wpv3beta5 () {
>         this.dynamicstring = "in constructor dynamicstring";
>         this.staticstring = "staticstring changed in constructor";
>         } file://end constructor
> public static String echo(String in)
>         { return "I heard you say " + in ; }
> public static String lsearch(String in)
>         { return "OK"; }
> } //  end class
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> For digest: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "set JSP-INTEREST
> Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:

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Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:

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