javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/IterationTag is an interface specified in the JSP
1.2 spec, so as you can guess Orion doesn't support it.  The Jakarta-Struts
project has an iteration tag you might want to try.

Lance Lavandowska

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joel Carklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm looking for a Tag which will iterate over a collection, which is
> supported by JSP1.1
> I tried using the jsptl-jr taglib which is part of the jakarta Tag
> Lib, but as was pointed out to me, my server OrionServer doesn't
> understand JSP 1.2 syntax. I changed the syntax in the tld file to fit
> JSP1.1 specs and the jsp page seemed to compile fine. When trying to use
> the actual tag though, I now get the error message
> Tag class org.apache.taglibs.jsptl.tag.jr.ForEachTag not found:
> javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/IterationTag

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