Well in the pure MVC architecture :
Model -> Java Beans
View  ->  Jsp / Html
Controller -> Servlet
There is a lot, that has been discussed about the MVC architecture in this list (checkout the archives), jsp / servlet books, ect.
Assume that will give you a reasonable lead to go and dvelve into the world of MVC.
Have a nice day.
With regards,
Sachin S. Khanna
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 2:40 PM
Subject: MVC implementation Clarification

Hi All
We are design an application based on J2EE architecture. We are planning to follow MVC pattern and I want to clarify whether following approach is correct with above MVC pattern.
We use JSP/HTMl for View, Java Beans for Control and RDBMS for Model. Please give me your comments on that approach.
Please tell me when we have to use Java Servlets for Control. Are there any advantages comparing over Java Beans?
Senaka Suriyaarachchi

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