Dear All,
Plese do not send attachments regarding the strikes,as
it is consuming the mailbox
It would be prudent not to use this mailing list to
share opinion about the attacks


--- Terrence Gleed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
History it seems is not your strongest subject.
> >From: Karl Doane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: A mailing list about Java Server Pages
> specification and
> >reference <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
> >Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:46:33 -0400
> >
> >I know we should not contiue this but as a Proud
> AMERICAN, I feel that I
> >need to respond.  I have to disagree with these
> people who think we should
> >apologize for dropping a Nuclear Bomb on Japan.
> >
> >Read your real History, not what the liberal
> bleeding heart media tells
> >you.
> >         1.  THEY STARTED THE WAR with a cowardly
> sneak attack on Pearl
> >Harbor.
> >         2.  They tortured and executed our
> captured soldiers.
> >         3.  They tried to exterminate the Chinese
> and all the rest of
> >Asia.
> >         4.  They fought till the death and
> remember the kamakazie planes,
> >they would not go quietly.
> >         5.  We would have lost probably a few
> hundred thousand soldiers by
> >attacking their Homeland.
> >         6.  We would have had to kill just about
> every single Japanese
> >person to take over Japan. I do believe that is
>                more
> >then
> >our A Bombs killed.
> >         7.  You win a war through Attrition, you
> have to kill so many of
> >them that they say 'enough'
> >         8   We could have dropped the A bomb on
> Tokyo, that would have
> >killed a few more people.
> >       9.  I don't they have ever apologized for
> their acts.
> >      10.  Don't start something you can't finish,
> if they didn't want to
> >suffer the consequences, they should have
>        stayed on their
> >side of the Pacific.
> >      11.  I do believe that we gave them quite a
> bit of help rebuilding
> >their country along with Germany.
> >
> >As far as the terrorist a.k.a. slimy, cowardly low
> lifes, that once again
> >sneak attacked us again.  Why didn't they stand up
> like real men and fight
> >us head on.  No they have to attack a buch of
> innocent civilians, like
> >babies and women.  I guess they are too chicken to
> fight our military head
> >on.  Why, they are afraid of having a fair fight,
> that is why.
> >
> >I feel bad for the 99+% of the Islamic people who
> are good, hard working
> >honest and righteous people.  They have to live
> with the fact that people
> >who come from their countries did what they did.
> They shouldn't be ashamed
> >because I know that this is not what they are like.
>  We as good AMERICANs
> >should treat these people with every right of
> freedom that we enjoy.
> >
> >People have said that we got what we deserved.
> Well, the next time
> >somebody
> >like Iraq comes steamrolling over your countries,
> don't come looking for
> >help.  We bailed you out the last time otherwise I
> think Iraq would now own
> >the whole Middle East.  You asked us to come over
> there, we did, and saved
> >your butt and this is what we get in return.  You
> will get what you deserve
> >next time.
> >
> >You can dance and gloat all you want but just like
> Japan found out a few
> >years back, DON'T MESS WITH US.  You can have you
> Holy War and all that
> >stuff but remember you only won the first battle.
> We will win the war and
> >we will DESTROY you.  We are the BEST and STRONGEST
> country in the world
> >(They don't call us a Super Power for nothing) and
> we will not stop until
> >we
> >completely remove them from this great planet.
> >
> >If our country was so terrible and evil, then why
> do Hundred of Thousands
> >of
> >people want to come to our country and become
> citizens?????  You are just a
> >bunch of jealous people, who can't stand that we
> have progressed so far in
> >such a short time (200+ years).  In those short
> amount of years we went
> >from
> >13 colonies under the thumb of Great Britian, to
> >IN
> >THE WORLD.  We are also the most ADVANCED and enjoy
> the most FREEDOM of any
> >country in the world.  Where are you??  The last
> time I heard, Afghanistan,
> >is moving back to the caveman age.
> >
> >That's good, because if they don't hand over the
> loser, we will help them
> >go
> >back there, except a little faster.
> >
> >That is enough of this rant, but the next time any
> country that hates and
> >despises us, has a natural disaster, don't come
> looking to us for help.
> >Try
> >to survive on your own for once.
> >
> >Some of you will say that I am just a crazed
> person, but this is called
> >being an American.  You attack one of us, I
> consider it an attack on all of
> >us.  I realize that all the people who gave the
> ulimate sacrifce before me,
> >did so that I can live in this country.  I love my
> freedom and will NEVER
> >EVER apologize for what we did in defense of our
> country.  If you don't
> >like
> >how we handle situations, don't ask us for our
> help.
> >
> >When was the last time we went somewhere
> uninvited??
> >   Middle East - We were invited.
> >   Kosovo - Invited and did 75%+ of the fighting.
> >   Vietnam - Invited.
> >   Korea -  Invited.
> >   Haiti -  Invited.
> >   WWII - Japan attacked, We FINISHED it
> >
> >I am sure that you have heard the saying 'Hell has
> no fury like a Woman's
> >scorn'  Well guess what, LADY LIBERTY is ticked off
> and she is going to
> >open
> >a can of whipa** on those low lifes.  May God have
> mercy on their souls.
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 1:22 PM
> >Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
> >
> >
> >First, I see no reason why some oppose this
> discussion in this list, mostly
> >because I think a number of us in this list are
> almost like family. I have
> >been on this list for almost 2 years, and I have
> seen a lot more too.
> >Second, I have to say in defense to not posting
> this discussion on this
> >list, of all the mailing lists I am part of, this
> is the ONLY list actually
> >talking about this, so most likely it is not
> appropriate. But this list
> >covers people around the world more so than any
> other list I am on. I do
> >however feel it is good to talk about this, and
> therefore, I am replying
> >another thought I had the other day.
> >
> >I work in a small company and with me are a
> few co-workers from
> >India. I am white, but I consider these co workers
> my brothers (and sister)
> >as I respect them very much. In the past couple of
> days they have taught me
> >some information about what has happened in India,
> and
=== message truncated ===

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