Parag Patwa wrote:
> Can anyone tell me the difference between request.getParameter() and
> request.getInputStream()? I am assuming they both return the same
> part of the request in different forms.

 Sort of, but not exactly. From the (2.3PFD2) spec:

 SRV.4.1 Parameters

   All form data from both the query string and
   the post body are aggregated into the request
   parameter set. The order of the aggregation
   puts query string data before post body data.
   For example, if a request is made with a query
   string of a=hello and a post body of
   a=goodbye&a=world, the resulting parameter set
   would be ordered a=(hello, goodbye, world).

 The spec is available at:

 The servlet spec is an easy read, even for beginners.
Anybody doing servlet programming should have a copy,
it's great for questions like this.

 (Just FYI: Normal sig max length is 4 lines of 80
columns. Your disclaimer sig (which I expect you
have no direct control over) is much longer. It
makes your company look ignorant. You might want
to let them know what an awful impression it

Christopher St. John [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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