Hi Nadia,
I had a similar problem sometime back and I posted my question to the forum. Someone had suggested that I take a look at the DBTagLib from Apache. I did, and believe me, it is so much simpler and easier to use. I do believe that you should give it a try.
Alternatively there are some commercially available TagLibs that you might want to check out. One such commercially available taglib is InstantOnline Basic by Gefion Software. (http://www.gefionsoftware.com/InstantOnline/Basic/). Hans Bergsten ([EMAIL PROTECTED], the Author of JavaServer Pages - O'Reilly) is on this list. I'm sure he will assist you.
Dinesh, S.
-----Original Message-----
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of nadia
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:27 PM
Subject: Pls Help-Jsp connection to database

Hi all.
I am still struggling to connect my jsp page to a access database.
I keep getting the error.
[2001/09/19 11:17:01] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(JdbcOdbc.java:6031)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(JdbcOdbc.java:6188)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLDriverConnect(JdbcOdbc.java:2458)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.initialize(JdbcOdbcConnection.java:320)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connect(JdbcOdbcDriver.java:163)
 at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:517)
 at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:177)
 at _jsp._test._test6._response__jsp._jspService(_response__jsp.java:33)
 at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(JavaPage.java:89)
 at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.subservice(JavaPage.java:83)
 at com.caucho.jsp.Page.service(Page.java:280)
 at com.caucho.jsp.QServlet.service(QServlet.java:161)
 at com.caucho.server.http.AbstractRequest.service(AbstractRequest.java:454)
 at com.caucho.server.http.AbstractRequest.service(AbstractRequest.java:397)
 at com.caucho.server.http.PageCache$Entry.service(PageCache.java:256)
 at com.caucho.server.http.PageCache.service(PageCache.java:105)
 at com.caucho.server.http.VirtualHost.service(VirtualHost.java:424)
 at com.caucho.server.http.Request.dispatch(Request.java:213)
 at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleRequest(RunnerRequest.java:313)
 at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleConnection(RunnerRequest.java:260)
 at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run(TcpConnection.java:142)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
It seems as it doesnot see my data source that I have made in the Control Panel(I have made both a user dsn and a system dsn (but both doesn't work))
I am using resin 1.1.6 with iis as a webserver
my jsp page looks like this

<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
 <% String data="jdbc:odbc:JSP";
 Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection(data," "," ");
  Statement statement =connection.createStatement();
  ResultSet results=statement.executeQuery("Select * from Names");
<P> The results are:
   <% while (results.next()) { %>
     <LI><%= results.getString(1)%></LI>
   <% } %>>
It looks as if it has a problem with the getConnection part..
Ihave made an odbc data source..
Please Please help...
Thanking you all in advance..

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