Title: Oracle's jDeveloper

For anyone doing Java, jdbc and jsp work in this environment:

I'm trying to avoid all the fancy menu choices in jDeveloper and simply write a DBConn.java file and untitled.jsp file.

My jsp file says
<% DBConn dbcon = new DBConn();

And my DBConn.java file says:
  DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver() );
            con  = DriverManager.getConnection("xxx:1521:zzz", "id", "pw");

(among other things)

But then I compile and run (using jDeveloper), it errors:
"JSP Files must reside in the HTML root directory"

I know the error message is pretty straight forward.

What I don't know is why JSP files "MUST" reside there and if that setting can be changed somewhere.



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