i want to know detailed installation information about ant.
I set ANT_HOME then added it to J2EE_HOME env variables.
But whenever i used ant <application> on command prompt of win2000 it said system dies 
not recognised the bat file,I tried to get from jakarta web site but installation 
instruction given there i cann't get those, even after setting env variables.
can some one give me detail idea about the Ant Installtion

Please do me a favour for me.
on my computer
ant is on c:\jakarta-ant-1.4.1
jdk1.3.1 on c:\jdk1.3.1
j2sdkee1.3 on c:\j2sdkee1.3
apache tomcat on c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0
i set following env varibles
J2EE_HOME = c:\j2sdkee1.3
JAVA_HOME = c:\jdk1.3.1
ANT_HOME = c:\jakarta-ant-1.4.1

Now give me the exact path for the setting the all the classpath and path

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