The JOT Servlets framework supports MVC design approaches and includes a JDBC ResultSet Iterator class. The JOT documentation includes sample source code for a JDBC database query Java Bean. Let me know if you need help with that.
Paul Copeland, JOT Object Technologies, > > From: Tom Kochanowicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > > > > I am trying to do my first project with the MVC architecture > (not > > using > > struts yet). The examples I look at in books do not have a working > example > > that actually connects to "any" real database and they only show > examples > > loaded a very small amount of data. Does anyone have a "very simple" > > example > > of a MVC actually retreiveing data from a database (any database) OR > can > > point me to a link that has an example. (yes I tried google). > > You have a method on a Java class executing... you can use JDBC or any > O/R mapping tool of your choosing. It shouldn't be very confusing. > Just extract the data from the RowSet, build JavaBeans, and hand those > off as the model to the view layer. > > It's definitely not a simple example, but the Maverick MVC framework > provides a *very* comprehensive sample J2EE application using a > combination of entity EJBs and direct JDBC access. It's a wiki-like > image gallery which is actually being used in the real world. > > The url for the sample application (the Punk Image Gallery) is > I highly recommend that anyone who is > daunted by Struts (which is far more complicated than it should be for > what it does) should take a look at Maverick: > > > Good luck, > Jeff Schnitzer > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > =========================================================================== To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST". For digest: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "set JSP-INTEREST DIGEST". Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at: