I have some questions in JSP. Could any one one has answers for these

    1. Difference between Include and Forward tags.?
       action :
       <%@ include file = filename>
       Include action is used to include resources at runtime. The file
included is parsed at translation time.
       Most jsp containers keep track of included file and recompile if it
       if you change the included file then you need to recompile the
includer file also to get the result on the page.

        <jsp:include page=pagename flush = true/false />
         you can use this  if your resource is not going to change

         teh resource to which you are forwarding should also have the same
jsp context
         execution in the current jsp page is stopped when it encounters
this tag , buffer is cleared
         if output stream is not buffered then IllegalStateException is

    2. Difference between Class and beanName in UseBean tag.?

        class is the name of the class name fully qualified
        beanName - name as you would suypply to instantiate() method in
                        java.bean.Beans class
                        you can have type and bean Name and omit class
        eg: <jsp:useBean  id="languageBean" class="LanguageBean"
        you should have a class called
        public Class LanguageBean{}
        id is basicaly to refer this bean in the page

    3. Does a bean has to be put in a package to be used from a JSP page.?
         need not be always but as such java language prefers to have a
class in a package
         package serves like the directory service in JNDI.

   hope this helps


Ramesh Kesavanarayanan


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