I am carrying out some research into the use of HttpSession state in real-world 
applications and am interested in collecting data on the following issues:

1. What is the typical/maximum size of application session state?
2. How many attributes are used to structure session state?
3. Are separate attributes used to partition mutable and immutable session
3. How much of the state is modified in a typical request?
3. Is the application "distributable"?
4. If yes:
   (a) when a modification is made to the state, does the servlet
       indicate this to the container through setAttribute?
   (b) Do you assume that any container failover mechanism preserves your
       (serializable) session state exactly or do you code defensively?

I'd be very grateful for any answers to the above that you care to provide, and any 
other comments that you have about the session state mechanism and its API.

Please reply to me directly off list.


Mick Jordan
Sun Labs

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