> I'm trying to do a redirect to a server that lies outside of
> my application.
> I cannot do a POST, cause there is no cooresponding action.

   I'm probably a missing something, but almost always you
 can use GET. Of course if parameter string is bigger than 255
 characters that is not a good idea, or if you want a user to
 be able to "bookmark" end page.

  But in any other case you should be able to do POST.

> This works, but how do i get it so that the parameters and
> their values
> don't show in the address or status bar?

    If you want just to hide on first page it is easy:

ntextName=<%= contextName %>&pageName=<%=

onMouseOver="window.status='Download as an Excel file'; return true;"

onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true;"
                                                title="Download as an Excel
                                        >Download as an Excel file</a>

  Just use events onMouseOver and onMouseOut to cover.

  But for address bar in browser when you hit a destination page?

  You can open a new windows without address bar.

  And of course you can hit your application and redirect request from your
servlet to
  some other site, but...

  But if somebody whant to find an URL, he will be able to do that.


Srdjan Pantic
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