Hi all:
The download page of MA88 supportpak say:MQSeries classes for Java
The MQSeries classes for Java allow a program written in the Java programming language 
to connect to MQSeries as an MQSeries client using TCP/IP, or directly to an MQSeries 
server using the Java Native Interface (JNI). They allow Java applets, applications, 
and servlets access to the messaging and queuing services of MQSeries. If the 
client-style connection is used, no additional MQSeries code is required on the client 
machine. The MQSeries classes for Java enable a message-based approach to application 
integration using Java.

This mean that the resources of mq.jar are  sufficients in order to use this classes 
from servlet or jsp? I want to say, to development a thread safe component.

Thanks in advance, Ulises.

 Zerbe John W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Please note, you shouldn't use the 
MQEnvironment.xxx variables to set your connection info in an application server. They 
are Static and hence shared by all threads. There is another constructor for the 
MQQueueManager that takes a Hashtable as a parm that contains your connection info:

MQQueueManager(String queueManagerName,java.util.Hashtable properties)

This one is thread safe.


Look at the "WebSphere MQ Using Java" for more details.
The constructors are described in chapter 9.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shah, Urvesh (CAP, GEFA Contractor)
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Jps(or Servlet) with MQ-SERIES in windows NT.

Hi Ulises,

Attached herewith is a sample Java application that PUTs a message to an MQ
queue and then reads and displays the same. Replace the parameters with your
own as indicated in the sample.

You will need "mq.jar" and/or "mqjms.jar" if you intend to use JMS too. You
can get these jar files from the MA88 supportPak from IBM for MQSeries.


import com.ibm.mq.*; // Include the MQ package

public class MQSample

private String hostname = ""; // define the
name of your host to connect to
private String channel = ""; // define name
of channel for client to use
private int port = 1414;

// Note. assumes MQ Server is listening on

// the default TCP/IP port of 1414
private String qManager = ""; // define name
of queue manager object to

// connect to.

private MQQueueManager qMgr; // define a queue
manager object

// When the class is called, this initialisation is done first.

public MQSample()
// Set up MQ environment
MQEnvironment.hostname = hostname; // Could have put the
hostname & channel
MQEnvironment.channel = channel; // string directly
MQEnvironment.port = port;
qMgr = new MQQueueManager(qManager);
catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("Error in connecting the q


public static void main(String args[])

try {
// Create a connection to the queue manager

// Set up the options on the queue we wish to open...
// Note. All MQ Options are prefixed with MQC in Java.

MQSample mqsamp = new MQSample();


// Now specify the queue that we wish to open, and the open options...

MQQueue dss_reply_queue =
mqsamp.qMgr.accessQueue("", openOptions, "",
"", ""); // default q manager
// no
dynamic q name
// no
alternate user id

// Define a simple MQ message, and initialise it in UTF format..

MQMessage hello_world = new MQMessage();
hello_world.writeUTF("Hello World!");

// specify the message options...

MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions(); // accept the
defaults, same
// as

// put the message on the queue


// get the message back again...
// First define a MQ message buffer to receive the message into..

MQMessage retrievedMessage = new MQMessage();
retrievedMessage.messageId = hello_world.messageId;

// Set the get message options..

MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); // accept the

// same as MQGMO_DEFAULT

// get the message off the queue..

dss_reply_queue.get(retrievedMessage, gmo, 100); // max message

// And prove we have the message by displaying the UTF message text

String msgText = retrievedMessage.readUTF();
System.out.println("The message is: " + msgText);

// Close the queue


// Disconnect from the queue manager



// If an error has occured in the above, try to identify what went
// Was it an MQ error?

catch (MQException ex)
System.out.println("An MQ error occurred : Completion code " +
ex.completionCode +
" Reason code " + ex.reasonCode);
// Was it a Java buffer space error?
catch (java.io.IOException ex)
System.out.println("An error occurred whilst writing to the message
buffer: " +

} // end of main

} // end of MQSample


I hope this helps!

Best regards,

x 4119.

-----Original Message-----
From: uli uu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Jps(or Servlet) with MQ-SERIES in windows NT.

Hello to all:

I need to connect a java component (jsp or servlet) with an application by
Mq-Series (the application provides a mq-series interface), but I don't know
what is necessary to make this connection.

Does somebody have an example in order to make the connection?

I'm working in Windows NT 4.0, with tomcat.

Please any aid I thank for them, since it's an urgent subject.

Thank you very much,


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