> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Noriega [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       I hadn't gotten much of an answer to the question I asked, but I
> did make some headway with the EL language.  I'm thinking of sending
> comments that I came up with to the JSR list, as a "first timer's
> experience", but I thought I would post them here for everyone to
>     Some of the problems were more my own lack of understanding, or
> assumptions, and some could be the particular implementation.

I'll comment on some of what I read in your note, without including your
somewhat longish note.

The confusion about exactly what goes in "${}" is quite common.  You
figured it out.

The statement that "EL can't call functions" isn't strictly true.  The
"functions" it calls are just the getter/setter methods determined by
the JavaBeans specification.

For instance, in your examples, if you have a "Locale" object that has
"language", "country", and "displayName" properties, then it can
implicitly call the "getLanguage()", "getCountry()" and
"getDisplayName()" functions, just by referencing the property names,
instead of the function names.  Instead of creating an array of arrays,
you could have just stored Locale objects, and referenced EL expressions
like "${locale.language}", "${locale.country}" and

I have a feeling you haven't read the JSTL specification yet.  If that's
the case, I suggest you do that.

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