
I am in a tight spot. Hope someone can help me on this.

My Webapp uses:
1. Cobalt Linux server
2. Jdk1.4
3. Tomcat 3.3.1
4. MySql 3.51

200+ users access my webapp.
After some time my server hangs and I am not able to telnet , ftp or access
the webapp.

The server guy says that too many java processes are running.
I did the top command and I got this o/p  regarding memory.

Mem:   255508K av,  252176K used,    3332K free,       0K shrd,       0K buff
Swap:  524536K av,  524536K used,       0K free                 7312K cached

Total RAM is 256 MB
Total swap memory is 524 MB

As you can see  100% of swap memory is used up and almost 98% of RAM is used
up. Is it because Tomcat will generate 200 threads if 200 users issue a
request ?

Why am i not able to connect to the server after this?
Please throw some light on this issue.

Thanks and regards

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