>Does the web application this page belong to use a Servlet 2.3
>Deployment Descriptor (web.xml file)? If so, EL processing is
>turned off by default (for >backwards compatibility). If this is
> the case, you have two options:
>1) Change the web.xml file to the new Servlet 2.4 format,
>2) Add a page directive in the file with the isELIgnored
>attribute set to false.

I use the new 2.4 Servlet format.

>Also note that neither the JSP 2.0 spec nor Tomcat 5 is fully cooked yet,
so be prepared for
>things not being 100% in sync. I've tested approach 1) with >regular JSP
files (not JSP
>Documents, i.e. JSP in XML format) and it worked fine with a TC 5 version
from a
>few weeks ago, but I believe I had problems >with approach 2).

Please note that in the example I provided, in the part
<div class="${1+2}">${1+2}</div>
the first EL expression (the attribute value) is treated as text, whereas
the second (the body of the element), is treated correctly like an EL
expression. I haven't tried it with the standard jsp syntax, since I
exclusively use Jsp Document syntax.

I'll assume that this is a bug in Tomcat 5 Alpha with JSP Documents and
template elements' attributes, until someone proves otherwise. If someone
knows who to send a line to at Apache, I'll gladly provide them with some
assumed bug info.

I'm aware that neither JSP 2.0 nor Tomcat is finished yet. Still, I find the
new JSP standard togheter with the JSP Document approach too useful not to
use it. Actually I feel that I wouldn't know how to manage without the
implicit automatic xml validation and all the other advantages that JSP 2.0
+ JSP Document syntax + EL + JSTL 1.0 provides. And there's not even a beta
that handles it yet! I guess you've sometimes got to be at the edge if you
think it's the right approach and you think you know how to use it. :)

Thanks (again, you've answered at least one other question from me) for the
quick response. You seem to be quite involved with JSTL and the new JSP

Erik Beijnoff

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