Am Dienstag, 25. März 2003 14:50 schrieb Peter:

> Hi all

Hi Peter,

> I am doing a web page which has multiple rows from database
> in that i am giving modify option thru which user can modify the contents
> in each row say like this
>                 name  age
>                 ---------
>                 abc      12
>                 edf       13
>                 hjk       12
>                         Modify

Looks somewhat strange to me. Do I understand right that you have
a global 'Modify' button for all of the values currently presented on
the screen? This is the way you do it in normal GUI applications, but
not on the web. Otherwise, given that such an approach might
theoretically work to some degree, you end up with a real multitude
of parameters sent to and fro. If I'm right, in fact your forms seem
to send the values of unmodified columns anyway, updating the
database with the same values as before in that case; makes no
difference as long there's no trigger involved keeping track of
modification times. Can't really tell from the details given, but
normally, one would put a (generated) 'Modify' button at the end
of each row, presenting some 'details' form after clicking it where
the user may edit the specific entry's data, with a 'Save' button
at the lower end which finally sends the modified data to the
database, one specific item at a time, and presents some list
view of the database contents afterwards. And so on. If you
want to provide some 'temporary' persistence, allowing for
'Undo' capabilities, you could provide for that by sending
everything to a Collection maintained in Session scope
and providing some means in your application saying 'Commit
Changes' (a button or something) which finally sends the
entire Collection to the Persistence Layer | database. This
is kind of what 'cached updates' do in GUI applications,
but even there, the advantages (reduced network traffic
plus 'Undo' capabilities) have to be weighted against
several severe drawbacks (having to keep the cache in
sync in a multi-user environment is just one of these;
in general, there's a database transaction | locking
problem in such 'decoupled' scenarios). In a web appli-
cation, in particular, I would generally recommend to
keep things as simple as possible: detail form, submit,
insert | update, next detail form - an so on.  

> but the overhead incurred is if i use request.getparametervalues
> all the rows even unmodified it returns which in turn is a huge overhead in
> database how  to detect the rows that has only been modified please do
> advice

If you directly read from the database, this is
the expected behaviour. From the database
view, there are no 'modified' values. Either
something is (permanently) commited or it's
not; there is no 'modified' stage somewhere
in-between. A different question is which
values the database may present you while
a transaction lasts, i.e. as long as the
changes are not permanently committed.
As each transaction could also result in
a Rollback, there's no safety here re-
garding 'definite' values; check your
database manuals for things like
'transaction isolation'. If your database
doesn't support transactions (some
versions of MySQL, for example), you
won't have to bother about such things,
but expect all kinds of inconstencies
in the database itself afterwards. 

> Regards
> Peter


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