I need to post the form though to get the value in the textbox. Isn't there
a way in java to open a new browser window?


> From: Christian Bollmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 21:48:57 +0200
> Subject: Re: Post a form and popup a window.
> Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2003 20:12 schrieb Ed Ventura:
>> That works fine, but I have 3 buttons and I only want to popup a new
>> window on 1 of the buttons. All the others should just post the form
>> normally. Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Ed.
> What I usually do is something like this (note: I'm using Struts and
> JSTL): I pass the command string to an Action that puts the search
> results (or whatever, read: dynamic data ) in request scope and
> forwards to a JSP (the View part) that just takes the results and
> displays that.
> Though I usually tend to steer clear from JavaScript, for popup windows
> I found it to be just necessary, so I put something like this into the
> originating page:
> <script>
> <!--
> function popup(targetURL) {
> var props =
> "scrollBars=yes,resizable=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,
> width=400,height=400";
> var popup = window.open(targetURL, "Details", props);
> popup.focus();
> //-->
> }
> </script>
> Then, I invoke the Action from that page by something like this:
> <a href="javascript:popup('<c:url value="/showDetails.do"><c:param
> name="id"><c:out value="${current.id}"/></c:param></c:url>')">
> The Action now talks to the model, does whatever is possible in Java and
> adds the results to the request (sorry for the crappy formatting):
> public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
> HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
> IOException, ServletException {
> int id =
> ServletUtilities.stringToInt(request.getParameter(Constants.SC_PARAM_ID));
> CustomerBean cb = PersistenceFacade.getInstance().getUserDetails(id);
> request.setAttribute(Constants.SC_CUSTOMER_BEAN_TOKEN,  cb);
> return mapping.findForward(Constants.SC_SUCCESS);
> }
> In struts-config.xml, the mapping for the successful scenario finally
> forwards to a page that displays the final results. This page just
> takes the information passed and displays that in the popup window
> created by the JavaScript part (using JSTL), which was invoked via the
> link. Should not make any real difference here if you're using POST and
> forms instead of mere links or don't make use of Struts at all; even if
> you have to deal with several submit buttons, you may tell them apart
> from each other because the one the user finally presses ends up as a
> parameter (so better keep heed of the 'name' property) in your request.
> If you need further help, just send me a mail :-)
> HTH,
> -- Chris (SCPJ2)
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