Hi JAXR experts:

I have two questions about the some methods in the registry APIs

First is I have problem with method getPostAddresses() in class User.
 I can make sure that the  address has been saved in registry by setPostAddresses( 
Collection addresses ) , saveOrganization(..), but when I retrieve it I can get 
reference to PostalAddress by the method of getPostAddresses(), but beside the value 
of getType(), I got all the empty strings of other methods in PostalAddress such as, 
getCity(), getStreet(),....etc, but they did have value when  I use other uddi browser 
to check them. also , I found "No PostalAddressMapping" in my log file.

second question is why the method
public void setDescription(InternationalString description) in some classes don't wok, 
if I creat the parameter of description with the method of
 public InternationalString createInternationalString
                                     ( java.util.Locale l, java.lang.String s) ,
for example, in the class of ExteranlLink, User, ExternalIdentifier.

I'd appreciate any help.


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