Create a javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap object and add your types
to that object. Then call
javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap.getContentType(yourFileName) to
get the contentType for the file on the server without relying on the
browser content type setting.   MimetypesFileTypeMap will return
application/octet-stream as the default if it does not know the content
type. You have to include the J2EE activation.jar in your classpath for
this to work.  Here is the API doc -

Paul Copeland
JOT Servlets dynamic web component framework

Date:    Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:09:54 +0530
From:    Abhijeet Kahale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with Struts FormFile object.


I am facing some problems while uploading a file using Struts' FormFile
I want to allow user to upload only .xls/.tdt/.txt files. For that I am
comparing the ContentType of the file being uploaded using FormFile's
getContentType() method.
The problem is, when I upload .xls files, it properly returns a string as
'application/' so that i can compare it with constant and
proceed further.
But when I upload .tdt or .txt files, it returns a string
'application/octet-stream' instead of 'text/plain', So when i compare it
with the constant(which is set to "text/plain"), test fails even if user ha=
uploaded proper file with proper contents.
Moreover, this only happens on my machine, If I test it on some-one else'
machine(one of my colleague), it works fine.
So, my question is, is there some setting in my browser that is making the
formfile object to send wrong mime type or this is really a problem? And if
it is related to browser setting, what setting should I change? also, if
user also has that setting in his browser, how should I handle it?

please reply ASAP...

thanks in advance,

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